Wildlife Canopy

Fun Fact

The Deep Sleep



Hibernation is a dormant state that ensures the survival of an animal when the temperature is low and food is not available. The animal's body produces this dormant state by reducing the heart rate, respiration, body temperature and all other body functions. It is essentially a very deep sleep that uses very little energy. Woodchucks hibernate for approximately five months each year. To prepare for these months without food, groundhogs must eat a lot of food in the months prior to hibernating -- an equivalent amount of greens per their body weight each day (for example, a 4 kg groundhog must eat 4 kg of greens daily). This eating binge usually begins in May. For a healthy hibernation, a groundhog must gain an additional 25% of their weight in body fat. They enter their winter burrow in September or October. They must ensure that their resting spot is at least 65 cm underground -- below the freeze line. They plug up the opening to their den with leaves, rocks, and sometimes dirt, and then sleep until the following February, at which time they come above ground in order to find a mate.



Click on this text to hear the vocalization of a woodchuck (typical call heard).

Click on this text to hear a different type woodchuck vocalization (presumably calling to young).

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This page last updated Ocotober 25, 2000